Curatorial essays, exhibition catalog essays and didactics
SCOPAHOLICS: voyeurism, exhibitionism and a few stops in between
by Evangelo Costadimas
We all have a voyeuristic streak in us whether we like to openly admit it or not. It is basic human nature to be curious but beyond mere curiosity, we are well conscious of what moral society expects of us when it comes to looking at others. It is inappropriate and in some places, illegal …
The Ever So Paradoxical Art of Wilson Shieh
by Evangelo Costadimas
You may not expect someone who has mastered the ancient painting style would be applying it to contemporary art but that is exactly what Wilson Shieh does and in his work he combines and contrasts the ancient and the modern in an incisive, refreshing and surprisingly effective way.
Expansion, Volume, Spatiality and Colour: A Topological paragon of Alberto Reguera’s installations
by Evangelo Costadimas
The great thing about Alberto Reguera, besides his incredibly warm and charismatic personality, is that he is one of those artists that defy pigeonholing. His work is … -
Youngseok Cha : Well Still Life
by Evangelo Costadimas
At first glance, Youngseok Cha’s drawings appear a bit like oversized doodles, the sort we all used to make back in school while sitting through the most boring classes. But then, you take a closer look and become aware of the intricate level of detail in these depictions, you begin to see…
When the Journey Becomes the Destination
by Evangelo Costadimas
Destination is a solo exhibition of photographs by artist and architect William Lim comprising photographs culled from his recent trip around the world. The word “destination” may conjure up images of travel for leisure and holidays in glamorous picturesque locations that result in dozens …
Almond Chu's "HORSE" series
by Evangelo Costadimas
In his series “Horses”, Almond Chu gives us yet one more series of exquisitely made photographic works. Known for his superb black and white nudes and his stark compositions during the ’90’s, Almond Chu has since ventured into several new areas of expression. In recent years he has explored new themes …
by Evangelo Costadimas
Is contemporary art in a pluralist situation? If everything goes, what counts? Is there a need for art critics to specify what is relevant or significant in art and what is not?